From Glory to Glory

"But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord who is the Spirit."
2 Corinthians 3:16-18

About Me

My husband, Dennis and I , are on one of God's greatest adventures. He has called us to pastor Lighthouse Church in Tulum, Mexico. Who knew at this season of our lives, he would lead us on such a magnificent journey.

Monday, January 30, 2012


I felt drawn to my place of solitude this was a cool morning with the fresh fragrance from the rain wafting through the area. I began to walk to my favorite place and as I arrived a large storm cloud came up. There I was standing on the rock in the midst of the storm getting drenched. I found a small plant on the shoreline to crouch beneath to somewhat protect me. While taking shelter under the plant, I found a beautiful shell. It was of medium size but definitely a to add to my collection. As the rain let up, I came out and continued to the point of point between the lighthouses. As I sat and began my praising and listening to the Holy Spirit...I put my hands in the receiving position, carefully holding on to my treasure so I didn't lose it. Very clearly God gently "you cannot receive fully while you are still clinging to your treasure...give it to me..throw it in the deep water." I must tell you, I was a little put out as this one was a really good treasure and I had been looking for one like it. The Spirit said to me "I have much bigger and more beautiful treasures for you if you will just stop clinging to this one. Get rid of it, open up and receive fully"
Well let me tell you, I tossed that baby into the deep, held out both hands toward God and received that offer! I came back to the house empty handed but overflowing with God's immeasurable blessing!

I don't know, but maybe this is for someone else too today, because he told me to share it. Will you join me to receive the bigger treasure of his is the greatest treasure of all.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

My All in All

I have a favorite spot in my backyard beach that I love to go to for my ponderings and conversations with God.  I went there this week. It is a point of rocks that you walk out onto one rock at a time, if you understand my meaning. I walked as far out as possible without being immersed in the Caribbean and sat. As the wind blew my hair and God's spirit washed over me, I looked out and realized I was looking out into the middle of two Lighthouses. In my deepest despair, joy or hurt, I am always sitting in the midst of the Lighthouse.
As I looked down to the rock I was sitting on, there were many more underneath that gave strength and foundation to uphold the weight of my body. God is my Rock. He is the deep strength and foundation that holds me up, no matter how heavy my burdens.
As my hair was blowing around me, I realized that all I could smell was the saltiness of the ocean....nothing else. I couldn't small my perfume, shampoo, detergent that my clothes had been washed in or even my perspiration....only the saltiness of the Savior.  Salt has been a healing agent for many, many years. It also preserves and adds flavor to your food.  The saltiness of the Holy Spirit washed over me, immersing me in healing, flavor and preservation for his Kingdom purpose.
So today on this Kingdom Adventure, I stand with my eyes on my Lighthouse, I sit on the Rock of my strength and am immersed in the Saltiness of his Presence. To God be the Glory!

Sunday, January 22, 2012



But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart" Luke 2:19

We put up a Christmas tree here in Mexico but we don't have any gifts under the tree but are expecting gifts to be shared upon our arrival in the states with our family.

Expectancy at it's finest. A Christmas tree in the form of manger. What a night it must have been. 
Picture it...
I can just see the "manger tree waiting" for the greatest gift of all to be placed in it. The moment Jesus was placed in the manger, the lights of his glory were wrapped and tucked around this manger tree and the brightness couldn't contain itself! Suddenly the sky is ripped open like a child ripping open the first gift on Christmas morning. Shooting out of the heavenlies is a streak of angels racing to see who could be the first one to see the gift that they had been expecting.They didn't wait until they arrived to have worship, but began praising God shouting "the King is coming in!"in expectancy of his presence! Upon arrival and encircling the gift, they placed the biggest bow of praise and worship upon the child and the light of his presence and glory was so powerful it lit up the skies. What a night to remember.....a night we should never forget.

Are you an inn keeper or a stable dweller this Christmas? Is there room under your tree for Jesus?

O come let us adore Him!

Walk There


"I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name." Isaiah 45:2-3
This was prophesied 150 years before the anointed Cyrus was ever born. That is our God. He prepares, he levels, he breaks down and cuts through long before you are going to walk there. To top it off, he has treasures and riches just waiting on us for our good and just to help us get to know him better...even though he already knows our names! Who is this King of Glory? His name is Jesus.
Every morning as I go down to the shore, I am amazed when I walk outside to this. The entire beach area is raked footprints, no seaweed, no trash. I am always hesitant to walk on it because it is so clean and I don't want to mess it up. God speaks to me so quietly, drawing me close, whispering in my ear.....the waves of the ocean are my grace washing over your life....the sand being raked clean everyday is my mercy....walk there.

One Encounter


At Lighthouse Church this morning, Dennis prayed that each of us would be given the opportunity to share Jesus with one person this week. That really stuck with me very deeply. What if we all prayed that? Each one, reach one. (yes I know that used to be a song) but what if we really took that to heart.....that could be the beginning of a Revival unlike any other revival experience in the would be epic.
I don't know about you but I'm really tired of just doing enough....I want to change the world for Christ. So what do I want for Christmas this year? What do you want for Christmas this year? I know what Christ wants for Christmas this year and every other day of the year. One....just one. Will you join me in a a prayer that could change nations? Pray for one encounter. the name of the Holy Spirit


Have you ever had one of those moments when the Holy Spirit says "stop, I have something right here for you!" That would be this morning going to meet my friend Renee' to walk. I was walking briskly along the beach to met her. He very clearly said "you are missing it.....stop! " Needless to say, there I stood alone on the beach, raising my hands, praising my God. Why? Not because of what he has done or what he is going to....that is certainly reason though, but because of who he is... powerful, awesome, almighty God. Maybe you have a name for God that needs to be spoken today....speak it out loud with me and just praise Him! El Shaddai.

Post Thanksgiving


Well, the water was perfect this morning for an early morning snorkel. It was so calm and clear and I am just praising God for my blessings while underwater (which to many of you this may seem funny)....seeing one of my favorite large purple fish. You know what I am about to say don't you.....yep...four feet away swimming by me is another large sting ray! Here I go with my Nemo song again....just keep swimming, swimming.
I began thinking of our small group last night as we were talking about fear and faith. I must admit I am afraid of sting rays and yet I keep getting to encounter them...what is that about. I think the enemy will use anything to interrupt our praise of the Savior.....things we are afraid of or maybe just distractions like not being with your family on Thanksgiving. OUCH...that one really hurt me. Praise is such a matter of the heart. I will praise Him in spite of my circumstances, because of my circumstances and through my circumstances. 
I realized sitting around in small group last night that God has blessed me beyond measure with Godly women here in Mexico. Lighthouse church is full of them and I am blessed beyond measure.
Sooooo.....let's give a little shout out of praise to God today!